Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summer Bucket List!

This happens to me every year... I get to the last couple weeks of school and all I can think about is the upcoming year! What will my theme be? How will I decorate the room? Should I move my furniture? It's hard to concentrate on all the assessments and end of year activities we are required to do! So, in order to release some of my summer planning enthusiasm, I have decided to create a summer bucket list of the big things I want to complete this summer. So here it is...

My Summer Bucket List

* Revamp my classroom library - new buckets, new labels, and create some sort of organizational system so kids know where the books go!

* Create some of those ADORABLE tissue paper pompoms I've been seeing popping up all over Pinterest! I bought the tissue paper last year and just never got around to make theme

* Add some "flair" to my classroom - such as spray painting my hideous green garbage can to match my classroom theme, which brings me to my next item...

* Settle on my theme - bugs? or just ladybugs? or just bumblebees? or bumblebees and ladybugs?!?! I just can't decide! I love the idea of red/black bulletin boards to go with the ladybug theme... but also love the idea of BEE Binders! Most likely will settle on a BUG theme so I can incorporate it all!

* Create math tubs for math workstations... I really want to make math more fun next year!

* Get organized! Go through my subject binders and bins and get rid of the stuff I never use and organize all the stuff I do use! Also, I WILL make an organized "teacher binder" so all my important stuff is in one place! And I can't wait to create this teacher toolbox!

* Lastly (who am I kidding, the pad on the table next to me has three more pages of summer To Do's!) is to turn my 31 bag into the ultimate teacher bag by adding a file folder sorter to it like the image below:

How efficient, organized, and adorable is that?!?!

So there is the START of my bucket list... more to come soon I'm sure!

11 more days to go!

New to Blogging!

I am currently obsessed with everything Pinterest and stalking teacher blogs! I have finally decided to give blogging a try and see what comes of it! So here it goes...