Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rockin' Resources Linky Party

I've spent the morning working on my action research paper for my master's program (I'll be finished in just four weeks!) and figured I deserved a little break so I decided to check up on the blog world! In my travels I found another linky party I just had to join! (I think linky parties might quickly become a new obsession of mine!)

I'm linking up with Kelley at the Teacher Idea Factory for her Rockin' Resources Linky! Teachers get to list their most beloved resources, the things they just couldn't live without. While there are a TON of things I couldn't live without, I've narrowed it down to my top five. So here goes:

#1. My laptop and projector - I guess technically that counts as two things but they go hand-in-hand! I use my laptop all day long it seems! Especially now that I've entered into the world of bloggers and Pinterest! I would spend all day on my laptop if possible! Plus my projector is great for projecting anything off the internet/my laptop and we even use it for school movie nights to put movies on the "big screen!"

#2. My mini dry erase boards and wipe off markers - We use these EVERY DAY! I use them the most in reading and math and find they are highly motivating to the kiddos. And even though we've been using them since the first day of school, they haven't lost a bit of their luster! Kids even ask to use them to do math problems during Fun Friday time instead of playing the large assortment of classroom games we have.

#3. My easel - It sounds so simple but I went my first three years of teaching without one. Last summer I was looking into buying one but then my BF's dad offered me one for free! It is a basic wooden frame and had been used to display a 50th wedding anniversary photo but it works perfectly! I love the look of the wood and because it has tripod legs it fits perfectly into the little corner I've nestled it into!

#4. ThistleGirl Designs - I love, love, love ThistleGirl! I purchased a membership a while back and it is one of my best examples of money well spent! I use these graphics for everything - newsletters, classroom posters, worksheets, my class website, you name it - I most likely use ThistleGirl for it! I highly recommend checking out the website if you haven't already!

#5. Teachers Pay Teachers - I seriously can't get enough of all the wonderful resources available on here! I will admit, I've probably spent more money than I should on there but I just love all the wonderful units and craftivities I have found! Its also great for when you're in a bind and need something quick. A real lifesaver at times!

So there is my top five! I can't wait to see what resources other teachers can't live without!


  1. First and foremost, your blog is so stinkin' cute. You've made it such a happy and feel-good place to be. Secondly, thanks so much for joining the PAR-TAY! I now have to go and check out ThistleGirl Designs. I am all about cute graphics and I haven't looked into this one before! Happy Sunday and thanks again.

    Kelley "Following You" Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  2. Love tpt too! Can't imagine not having it or pinterest.
