Thursday, August 9, 2012

Getting Organized and Making It Pretty {Part 1}

I've decided to link up with Mandy at Mandy's Tips for Teachers for her Organized and Pretty Blog Hop! 

Her first post was about organizing supplies. I won't be getting into my classroom until this weekend, so I didn't have any supply tips or tricks to share BUT I did get started on all my student folders. I have found that what works best for me in terms of keeping my students organized is having a separate folder for each subject area (plus a binder for reading). 

So for my first Organized and Pretty Mission: 

{Student Folders}

I typed up labels for [almost] all my students' subject area folders
and they are ready to go! 
(I still need to create my Writing Folders, which I will get done this weekend at school because they are slightly different. Check back next week to see what I mean!)

I also put together my students' Bee Folders (you might remember the labels from this post). I think they are super cute! I love them. :)

Our BEE Folders have four plastic sleeves:
[1] Best Bee-havior log/Caught Being Good Chart  
[2] Student & School Info/Lunch Menu
[3] Specials Schedule/Calendar  
[4] Weekly Newsletters

I have about 300 other projects "in-progress" right now but am missing all sorts of odds and ends to really get anything finished! I plan to do a massive shopping trip this weekend to get everything else I need.
My weekend "finish it!" goals include:
* My Teacher Toolbox
* Writing Folders
* Literacy Notebooks
* Jazz up our first science unit of the year - Monarch Butterflies

Classroom Set-Up Goals:
* Desk arrangement - just finalize it already!
* Bulletin boards and calendar area
* Math and Reading Center Storage - how? where?

Don't forget to hop on over to Mandy's blog and check out the Blog Hop! I look forward to seeing all the other ideas people share! Oh, and if you stop by, make sure to download her free labels she posted to her blog. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm currently changing form binders to 3 prong folders. I was wondering how you made the sticker STAY on your folders. I have the sturdier ones so stickers will peel right off them. Any ideas?
    Jessica Gleadall
