Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Teacher Week {Technology Tuesday}

Today on the Teacher Week agenda... Technology! Head on over to Blog Hoppin' to see all the great technology tips teachers are leaving over there!

Here are my technology tips for the week!

#1. CTRL PRTSC - Ok, this one is most likely a "duh!" tip for most of you, but I seriously had never heard of using "control printscreen" before this past year! A friend in my masters class told me about it and now I use it almost daily! Basically, you hold down ctrl and prtsc at the same time and voila! You have captured a photo of whatever is currently on your computer screen! See the example below:
You can then simply crop whatever it is you need. I find this especially useful when I want to explain something on the web to parents on parent night via powerpoint. I can just paste the image of what the screen they will see looks like!

#2. XtraMath! - I LOVE XtraMath and so do the kids! It is a free online program where kids practice math facts. The beauty of this program is it records which math facts students are fluent with and which ones they aren't. AND students, parents, and teachers alike can all see the results, so it is a great tool to use to guide a fact fluency discussion at parent-teacher conferences.
XtraMath logo

#3. I know I've already talked about him, but I love Mr. Smith over at www.teachertipster.com! I've used many of his ideas and the kids always love the stuff I get from him.

#4. This one is brand new to me (thanks to Miss Nelson for this find!) and I haven't played around with it too much yet but am excited to incorporate it with my kiddos this year! It is a website where students go to practice all the Common Core standards for reading and math and it looks great! I'm hoping this will be a great new tool for my classroom!
Well, that's all I've got for now! So go link up and share your techy tips as well!

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